
It’s already 2 weeks from the middle of the year, June. Monday gets its name from the Anglo-Saxon word “mondandaeg” which translates to “the moon’s day.” The second day of the week in Nordic cultures was devoted to worshipping the goddess of the moon. Girls born on Mondays were given the name Mona in Ancient Britain, as it was the Old English word for moon.

Time passes so fast, so I should live better than yesterday. It’s not good idea to stress out too much due to the time. If you are in rush, you better to get refreshed or relaxed, so you know what you need to focus on really. Just focus on one thing, and decide to master the one. Believe that you can do this no matter how hard it is.

Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.

Napoleon Hill

If you are tired from Monday, it’s time to come to think of your workload, sleep hours, and time schedule. I’d say keep in mind to maintain the certain quality of work and also the break. If you have a schedule planner, you better to leave a small blank in between of your plan. If you wanna more tip for motivation read this.


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